Laser Weight Loss in Arlington

One of the main reasons you are fighting a weight loss battle has to do with the way your body burns energy.
Your body burns glucose (sugar) for energy first. Once your sugar levels are depleted, then your body looks for other sources to burn ... Like FAT!
The laser safely penetrates the skin and can directly cause a release of fat from their cells. This process makes your fat more readily available to burn.
It’s a tough road that requires support and direction.
We are here to guide you to make your journey as simple and as fast as possible.
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. If you want the weight off as fast and easy as possible. Then schedule your appointment today.
Here are the eight reasons why weight loss is difficult. Eliminating these causes can help guarantee a more successful weight loss journey.
The 8 Causes Include:
Let’s take a deeper look into how you can get the body of your dreams.
Candida Albicans is an overgrowth of yeast in your body. Everybody has this yeast to some degree, but if allowed to “overgrow”, then symptoms may develop. Bloating, fatigue and poor digestion. Sometimes it may be bad enough to produce skin lesions. Craving sugary foods occurs because the yeast needs to be fed.
Symptoms like feeling sluggish, frequent yeast infections, or bazar food cravings, can be signs of this overgrowth. Treating Candida could help you feel like you have more energy. It can help improve digestion. Getting your body back in balance will also help balance your weight.
With a constant bombardment from toxins all around you, it’s a wonder that you don’t have more symptoms. The problem with this onslaught is that toxins can accumulate in your body. Increasing toxins may alter your metabolism which can lead to weight gain and slow organ function. Again, symptoms like headaches and weight gain as well as digestive issues can make you look and feel unhealthy.
Detoxing your body is a safe and enjoyable process and can unleash a feeling of health, energy as well as weight loss.
You know, low thyroid yields slow metabolism. The result is weight gain. Sometimes your thyroid function is low, but not low enough to warrant medication. You may feel cold and tired more so than normal. Improving thyroid function can increase your metabolism and thus keep you at a healthy weight.
There are so many functions in your body regulated by hormones. When these hormones get out of balance, they affect the normal processes that help you to stay healthy. Weight gain is a side effect of this imbalance. Nutritional supplementation can help regulate this problem. You’ll look and feel better when your hormones are balanced.
Lack of sleep and irregular sleep patterns will affect your metabolism and lead to weight gain. No sleep … harder to burn fat. It’s that simple. Getting quality sleep will be your pathway to the body you want.
We all are under stress. It’s amazing that the guy on the radio says take these pills to reduce stress. Really? I take the pills and my mortgage will be paid? How about dealing with my kids? The key is how your body handles stress. High stress can lead to overeating. They don’t call it “comfort food” for nothing. You may not be able to cure stress, but you can manage how your body handles it. Calmer mind yields smaller waist.
The perfect food of all the different choices of foods out there in the world is just one. Yes, the perfect food was developed years ago and to this day it is the best. What is it you ask? Why the potato chip of course! Well anyway when I have a craving that is where I want to go. You have cravings too. What’s your go to food? Again, we have to make healthy choices. When the cravings outweigh the health of your body, the weight increases. But… by eliminating things like Candida and exchanging your “perfect food” for one of better nutritional value, you will make it to the perfect waist. We’ve already done that for you. It makes life easier to be healthier.
Taking control of your meals with proper planning, etc… You already know the right foods, but what if you had a system so easy a 14-year-old could do it. One where you can pick and choose the foods you like. Easy, fast and successful.
Call us at (817) 468-7246 to get started!
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Meyer Chiropractic Center
5520 South Cooper Street #111
Arlington, TX 76017
(817) 468-7246